”But Sometimes never is a distorted perception.”I’m so in love with this one. So here you go, my love declaration for “Sometimes Never”:Yes, it was a little rough around the edges with some minor spelling and grammar mistakes and the occasional awkward sentence structure but it reminded me so much about being in love for the first and my first boyfriend that I didn’t even care about falling in love way too fast.I loved Hope Love, apart from her name being the shit, she is truly awesome. I like her “random” personality with these little quirks and ticks. She certainly could act like a bitch as well but all in all she was amazing. I adored her character even when I wanted to slap her, although her past more than explains her erratic behavior at times. And don’t get me started on her candy addiction and mushroom allergy (damn fungus :D). Mason... *sigh* he’s is made of awesome. So awesome in fact that he jumped right on the shelf to my other book-boyfriends. I don’t even know where to start - he just seems to be so damn perfect. Thoughtful, playful, polite and loving – that’s Mason. He has his own problems to deal with but he’s always there for Hope, no matter how hard it gets.These two alone are already fabulous but together… I lack the vocabulary to describe them but how about: cute, adorable, lovely, darling, charming, lovable, perfect."Mason Patel is my counterpart. He is the eraser to my chalk. The milk to my cereal. The chocolate to my peanut butter. We were made for each other in cookie heaven."Yes, they are definitely made for each other in cookie heaven. The dialogues ranged from funny and entertaining to serious and heartbreaking. There was a bit of everything and there was a huge smile on my face throughout many parts of this book.I don’t think I can even name you one thing that I didn’t like about this book. I loved how Hope’s living situation was portrayed, it would probably be anything but easy, yet there was love – a lot of it. And not only the interactions between Hope and Mason were good, but there were also many entertaining scenes between Hope and Guy (another awesome name!). There are also some serious topics and one of them is very current, the author managed to portray this problem and the struggles it brings with it in a tasteful way. I’ve never read any other book that included this topic but I liked the way she handled it nonetheless.I had so many favorite scenes that I highlighted a lot in this book, I probably also forgot to mention many things in my review. So maybe you should pick this up yourself and see if you love it as much as I do.P.S.: You know, I usually don’t do the picture thing but this time I just couldn’t resist and that alone should tell you how much I loved this :) (I couldn't find a source for the picture but kudos to whomever its from!!)